
Showing posts from December 20, 2022


  Heli-golfing New Zealand with new friends           It was spring of 2016 in the USA, autumn on the South Island of New Zealand and I was taking a break from hitchhiking. I had been recruited by a wealthy family to help with their elaborate gardens in return for lodging and food. When I say recruited, I mean “accidentally employed,” but that is a story for a different time. For the past month, I had been spending a few hours every day revitalizing the fifteen foot wooden boat for the neighbors of my hosts. After a morning of songwriting and gardening, I would ride my bike down the hill to the shore of Lake Hayes, where I would grind, sand, caulk and repaint the inside and outside of this antique boat in return for grocery money. When I needed sanding discs, I would climb in their jet black Maserati, and cruise down to the New Zealand version of Home Depot. Clad in a respirator and safety glasses, life was good. One day, I arrived like I always did ...