Work Pants Destroyers
My collection of destroyed work clothes We had a snow day on Monday, which was much needed because David and I very badly needed a work pants repair day. Climbing up to clean the chimney last week, I had torn open the inseam of my best insulated jeans. After six days of enjoying the breeze, I saw a forecast of -20 and knew that repair day had come soon. David, my best friend, coworker and resident of the tiny cabin below my house, was also sporting some risque cuts in his Carharts, so we settled in at the sewing machine. Sewing is not one of my better skills, but thankfully David is a master seamster. He did a majority of the work while I pulled stitching on a dozen different seams and cut patches for ten different pairs of Wranglers and Carhart work pants. David and I destroy pants for a living. The IRS classifies us as construction workers, but we spend most of our time tearing holes in double stitched, heavy duty work pants and jackets. The beefy sewing machine that doub...