Buddy Pt 1
A professional photographer snapped this promo for TedxBozeman 2017 A few years ago, I gave a TedTalk. Well, a TedxTalk which is like the localized version of Ted Talk. And I played guitar; sang a couple songs that I had written while wandering the world. I wanted to make my ten minutes and thirty seconds the most revelatory part of the five hour event at the Great Commons church in Four Corners, Montana. I had seen so many Ted Talks that absolutely blew my mind; incredibly intelligent people calmly explaining their ingenious ideas for the world on a big stage in front of an audience of eggheads who would take those ideas and run with them, making the world a better place right away. I so desperately wanted to be part of that legacy. My performance was okay; there was nothing groundbreaking about it, but I said my piece and enjoyed being a part of the event. In the months leading up to the TedTalk, I spent many hours on the internet rabbit hole. It was there that I fo...