The Gray Houses
Another new house with gray siding, and well, gray everything Let me start this by saying that personally, I like gray things. I wear gray t-shirts, drive a gray pickup truck, use weathered gray wood as trim and wainscoting in my bedroom. I have been into gray for a while. It has a nice feel to it and I think it looks good with my skin tone. Even after writing this article, I will still be into the color gray. There is a gray movement going on in architecture right now. From commercial buildings to rural residential, everything is turning gray. I am convinced that this gray movement traces back to a style that was coming into vogue when I was in architectural design school around 2011. Back then, we called it Scandinavian modern; a style from predominantly Norway and Sweden that used fairly standard vernacular house shapes in new ways. The early designers used the same material palette of wood siding and shingle roofing that makes up most residential houses, but they included lar...