The Good Sandwich Hypothesis
Glitz in Vegas but terrible service and bad pillows Sketchy shipping container in NZ with incredibly nice bed inside I first came up with the “Good Sandwich” hypothesis while traveling around the world. After a long day of travel, I would stumble into a medium-sized town, desperately in need of a bed and a shower and a good meal. I would browse the local directory for lodging and food in some little Spanish or Australian or Norwegian town and a pattern emerged in the listings. When I eliminated the places I obviously couldn’t afford and the places that were too decrepit even for my basic tastes, there would be three or four affordable yet nice places on the list to eat or sleep. I always chose the food place with pictures of sandwiches and I always chose the hostel or hotel with a photo of the shower head and/or unlimited wifi. I began to call my selection process the “Good Sandwich” hypothesis. I realized that the most comfortable places to eat and stay were the ones that ...